SupBiotech is a private engineering school located in the Paris metropolitan area, specializing in the diverse fields of the Biotechnology sector. SupBiotech is part of the IONIS Institute of Technology’s technology cluster. IONIS is France’s leading private higher education group; its technology cluster also includes EPITA and Epitech, schools specializing in computer sciences and information technology, as well as IPSA, an aeronautics engineering school.
SupBiotech: Your gateway to a career in Biotechnology Engineering
SupBiotech’s curriculum is a multidisciplinary balance between science and engineering coursework (lectures, practical laboratory work and projects), management skills, industrial know-how. Our students also learn about the domestic and international biotechnology markets. SupBiotech’s professors come from diverse training and educational backgrounds, such as universities, research centers and industry.

English is used throughout our program; our graduate courses are taught in English from the third year onwards. SupBiotech’s students are prepared for a wide range of responsibilities in various biotechnology and international corporations, working in the fields of health, cosmetics, the environment, pharmaceuticals and agribusiness.
SupBiotech’s five-year program includes two degree programs that correspond to the new European standards.
- Our three-year undergraduate program, leads to a Bachelor’s degree from SupBiotech. Upon completion of our two-year graduate program, students are awarded the Biotechnology Engineer Degree.
- In our graduate program, students choose a major and a minor such as Research and Development, Production or Sales and Marketing.
- Students must complete a total of 300 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) units during their five years in order to be granted the Biotechnology Engineer Degree from SupBiotech.