
Collaborative Food Engineering Research Laboratory

Contributing to the rise of the circular economy

Increasing the nutritional value of plant materials

The main objective of projects undertaken by the LRPIA at SupBiotech is to contribute to the recovery and transformation of plant materials that are currently unused, or scarcely so, and have potential nutritional applications.
This involves the development of biotechnological processes that augment the nutritional value of such plant materials, and it requires the establishment of methods for preserving them from degradation by external agents. It is in accordance with these imperatives that a partnership between the LRPIA and the SEPIA/CEA was forged and has flourished.

Reusing residual plant materials of the food processing industry

Food processing activities and environmental trades generate phenomenal quantities of residues currently unused by the industry. Our ambition is to transform the residual material through fungal fermentation to yield new foodstuffs for animal or human consumption.

We aim to apply the results of laboratory research to the world of industry through contracts with firms in the environmental and food processing fields.

Each year we host several SupBiotech students who complete their internship in a scientific setting oriented towards the food processing industry.

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