CellTechs is pleased to welcome Dr. Chi – Hong Chao (趙啟宏), from NCTU University in Taiwan, who will present to the students participating in the Summer School « Stem Cells & DNA Engineering » the work of his laboratory on the exciting subject of the relationship between cancer stem cells, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, miRNAs, and cancer cell metabolism, based on the breast cancer model.
Dr Chao (???? CV) and his colleague Cheng-Han Hsieh (???? CV).
Thursday 28 June 2018, 9:30 – « Summer School » classroom
« Breast cancer stem cells as a model to study cancer stem cells, EMT, microRNA, metastasis and cancer metabolism »

Cancer Stem Cell Biology Lab
NCTU University
All students and staff are invited
(please write to [email protected])
Bibliography Dr Chao
- Zhang L.,., Jaeger L.A., Papp A.B., and Machaty Z. (2018). Calcium oscillations in fertilized pig oocytes are associated with repetitive interactions between STIM1 and ORAI1.Biology of Reproduction, 7(4), 510-519
- Tsai T.Y., Wang W.T., Li H.K., Chen W.J., Tsai Y.H., , and Lee Y.H. W. (2017). RNA helicase DDX3 maintains lipid homeostasis through upregulation of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein by interacting with HNF4 and SHP. Scientific Report 7, 41452
- Wang W.T., Tsai T.Y.,., Lai B.Y., and Lee, Y.H.W. (2015). Y-box binding protein 1 stabilizes hepatitis C virus NS5A via phosphorylation-mediated interaction with NS5A to regulate viral propagation. Journal of Virology, 89(22): 11584-602.
- Chao C.H., Chang C.H., Wu M.J., Ko H.W., Wang D., Hung M.C., Yang J.Y., Chang J.C. (2014). MicroRNA-205 signaling regulates mammary stem cell fate and tumorigenesis. Journal of Clinical investigation, 124(7): 3093-106