CellTechs is pleased to welcome Dr. Chi – Hong Chao (趙啟宏), from NCTU University in Taiwan, who will present to the students participating in the Summer School « Stem Cells & DNA Engineering » the work of his laboratory on the exciting subject of the relationship between cancer stem cells, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, miRNAs, and cancer cell metabolism, based on the breast cancer model.
Dr Chao and his colleague Cheng-Han Hsieh.
Thursday 28 June 2018, 9:30 – « Summer School » classroom
Breast cancer stem cells as a model to study cancer stem cells, EMT, microRNA, metastasis
and cancer metabolism

Dr Chi-‐Hong Chao (趙啟宏)
Cancer Stem Cell Biology Lab
NCTU University
All students and staff are invited
(please write to [email protected])
Bibliography Dr Chao
Zhang L.,., Jaeger L.A., Papp A.B., and Machaty Z. (2018). Calcium oscillations in fertilized pig oocytes are associated with repetitive interactions between STIM1 and ORAI1.Biology of Reproduction, 7(4), 510-519
Tsai T.Y., Wang W.T., Li H.K., Chen W.J., Tsai Y.H., , and Lee Y.H. W. (2017). RNA helicase DDX3 maintains lipid homeostasis through upregulation of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein by interacting with HNF4 and SHP. Scientific Report 7, 41452
Wang W.T., Tsai T.Y.,., Lai B.Y., and Lee, Y.H.W. (2015). Y-box binding protein 1 stabilizes hepatitis C virus NS5A via phosphorylation-mediated interaction with NS5A to regulate viral propagation. Journal of Virology, 89(22): 11584-602.
Chao C.H., Chang C.H., Wu M.J., Ko H.W., Wang D., Hung M.C., Yang J.Y., Chang J.C. (2014). MicroRNA-205 signaling regulates mammary stem cell fate and tumorigenesis. Journal of Clinical investigation, 124(7): 3093-106